
I'm Just a guy that loves solving business problems using technology.

Tinder Advertising for Business Owners in 2025-learn now

In this article, I would be talking about ways to take advantage of one of the biggest dating sites on the internet and how you as a business owner can take advantage of this to promote your brand/businesses with tinder advertising. Tinder, the world’s largest dating app, has evolved from being just a platform for […]

Tinder Advertising for Business Owners in 2025-learn now Read More »

target marketing

Target Marketing-what is it? learn how to use it effectively in 2023.

To market your business successfully, you need to do a deep dive into your customer’s mindset and competition. Ask yourself questions like: “Who is my ideal customer, and how do they think and feel?”, how does my product/service fulfill their need or desire?” Your answers to these questions would give you the most important factor

Target Marketing-what is it? learn how to use it effectively in 2023. Read More »